Attracting Squirrels and Birds to Your Backyard: Your Go-To Guide for Feeders

Attracting Squirrels and Birds to Your Backyard: Your Go-To Guide for Feeders
Hey there, backyard enthusiasts! If you’re looking to turn your outdoor space into a lively haven for squirrels and birds, you’ve come to the right place. With the right feeders, you can enjoy the sights and sounds of these charming critters right in your own yard. Let’s dive into how to attract them and what to keep in mind when setting up your feeders!

Why Bother with Squirrels and Birds?

First off, let’s talk about why you’d want to attract squirrels and birds. These little guys not only add a splash of life to your yard, but they also play a role in the ecosystem—think seed dispersal and pest control. Plus, watching them interact can be super entertaining and relaxing.

Picking the Right Bird Feeders

Different Types:

There are all sorts of bird feeders out there! Tube feeders are perfect for smaller birds like finches, while platform feeders work well for bigger birds like cardinals. If you’re into woodpeckers, a suet feeder is a must-have.

What to Feed:

Different birds have different tastes. Black oil sunflower seeds are a big hit with many species, while finches go wild for nyjer seeds. Do a little research on the local birds around you to pick the best options.

Where to Place Them:

Put your bird feeders in quiet spots, away from the hustle and bustle. A location near trees or shrubs provides a safe place for the birds to hang out and grab a bite.

Setting Up Squirrel Feeders

Types of Squirrel Feeders: Squirrels deserve some love too! Look for feeders made just for them—platform or enclosed types are great choices. These let squirrels chow down without raiding your bird feeders.

Food Choices:


Squirrels love corn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds. Just make sure to stick with unsalted options to keep them healthy.

Best Locations:

Put your squirrel feeders in clear view, but away from the bird feeders to avoid competition. Near trees or structures is perfect for making them feel safe.

Squirrel Feeders vs. Bird Feeders: What’s the Difference?



Squirrel feeders are all about feeding squirrels, while bird feeders attract a variety of birds.


Squirrel feeders tend to be bigger and sturdier. Bird feeders come in all shapes and sizes to cater to different birds, usually with smaller openings.

Food Types:

Squirrel feeders hold larger food items like corn and nuts, while bird feeders offer a mix of seeds and suet tailored for various birds.


Squirrel feeders like open areas away from bird feeders, while bird feeders should be near natural cover.


Squirrel feeders are typically easier to clean and refill. Bird feeders need a bit more TLC—regular cleaning and refilling are key!

Attracting Wildlife:

Squirrel feeders are a magnet for squirrels, while bird feeders bring in all sorts of birds.

Creating a Welcoming Environment

To really make your backyard a paradise for both squirrels and birds, consider these tips:

Go Native:

Planting native plants can provide natural food sources and habitats. Think berry bushes and flowering plants that produce seeds.

Water Features:

A simple birdbath or small fountain can be a great addition. Just remember to keep the water clean and fresh!

Provide Shelter:

Leave some natural areas in your yard for squirrels to nest and find cover. Also, offering nesting materials like twigs can attract birds.

By adding both bird feeders and squirrel feeders to your backyard, you can create a vibrant ecosystem that welcomes a variety of wildlife. Pick the right feeders, choose tasty foods, and create an inviting environment. Before you know it, your yard will be buzzing with activity, bringing you endless joy and a front-row seat to nature’s show. Happy feeding!

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